About Me

I am a student at GCE Lab School in Chicago. This is my blog to show all my work.


Friday, April 24, 2020

Enduring The Journey

It's officially the last term of my Senior year. In this final Humanities class called "Endurance," we've learned about examples of endurance and self-reflection. We explored the difference between physical and mental endurance. We also looked at different survival situations like Ernest Shackelton's journey to the Antarctic. We've also reflected on ourselves as individuals. We described ourselves and interviewed other people about us. The final part of our internal investigation was setting goals and aspirations for ourselves. This is what the action project was based on. For this action project, we had to imagine ourselves after we've achieved our goals and write the first chapter of our autobiography. For me, this was easier to imagine my goals because I know exactly what I want to do. It was harder to describe my start and what inspired me to want to be a surgeon. I made up some of the parts from the past because I genuinely never had a defining moment where I knew what I wanted to do. I just always knew. I also had to imagine what I thought my life would look like. This was kind of hard for me to describe. I have always known what I wanted but I had never actually played it out like this. I hope you enjoy my project.

In conclusion, I am happy with how this project turned out. It was hard to make the connections between the beginning and the end of my career. I had to take some creative liberties in describing those connections. It was especially hard making up my moment of inspiration or my call to adventure. I've known all my life what I want to do and I don't know why exactly. I am proud of my writing and I think I made good connections.

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